Sunday, March 21, 2010

Aunt Isabel Tells a Good One by Kate Duke

Aunt Isabel Tells a Good One by Kate Duke, Puffin Unicorn, 1992, ISBN 0-14-050534-2
My tags: storytelling, books about writing
Penelope asks her aunt to tell her a story, a "good story", which is the hardest kind to tell, according to Aunt Isabel. While telling the story, Duke goes through the elements of a story: the When and the Where, the Who, the Problem, the Villans, a Little Danger, and the Happy Ending.
Grades: 1-4
This would be an excellent book to use when teaching students the elements of a story. Would leave the door wide open for students to create their own story using the same format (this would work best with 3rd and 4th graders).
Buy it on Amazon
Visit the author's website.

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