Thursday, July 15, 2010

Paths to Peace by Jane Breskin Zalben

Paths to Peace: People Who Changed the World by Jane Breskin Zalben, Dutton Children's Books, 2006, ISBN 0-525-47734-9
Mother Teresa, Anne Frank, MLK Jr., Wangari Maathai, Elie Wiesel, Gandhi, And JFK. Princess Diana, The Dalai Lama and Cesar Chavez. Eleanor Roosevelt, Ralph Bunche and Anwar El-Sadat. What do all these people have in common? Their desire for peace in their time. Some died for it, all spoke about it and worked for it. Some are still working for it. And their lessons are as pertinent today as they were then.
This book is set up beautifully: a two-page spread dedicated to each person, one age textual information, the facing page a wonderful collage of artwork highlighted by a well-known quote of the person. It lends itself well to a biography study, where each student can study one of the 16 people included in the volume. Art notes, glossary, and bibliography in the back of the book add information.

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