Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Antarctic Antics by Judy Sierra

Antarctic Antics: A Book of Penguin Poems, by Judy Sierra, illus. by Jose Aruego & Ariane Dewey, Gulliver Books, 1998, ISBN 0-15-201006-8
Publisher's Summary: A collection of poems celebrating the habits and habitat of emperor penguins.
I just love Judy Sierra and her "prankish picture books" (from the back cover of this book), especially when they involve animals!
This would be a good book to use when actually studying penguins (as opposed to studying poetry) because it is based on the real life and habits of the Emperor penguin. Because the poems are really just informational text put in free-style poetry form, they are not as cute and sing-songy as some poems for younger children. It is, however, a cute and different way of taking in information.

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