Thursday, April 29, 2010

Book Fiesta! Celebrate Children's Day/Book Day by Pat Mora

Book Fiesta! Celebrate Children's Day/Book Day: a bilingual picture book by Pat Mora, illus by Rafael Lopez, Harper Collins Publishers, 2009, ISBN 978-0-06-128877-7
El dia de los ninos y el dia de los libros!
A book simply about children reading books, and all the ways and forms reading can take. As the story progresses, the imagination expands (going from reading in the car to reading while sailing with a whale). Colorful, whimsical illustrations are perfect for creating a celebratory, multicultural feeling.
"Then, snug in our beds, we read to the moon...and fly away in our books!"
The author's letter in the back of the book reminds us that every single child is special. She also advocates connecting children and books. Mexico is smart enough to celebrate El dia de los ninos on April 30. Great idea! Now, says Mora, add books to the party. The author goes on to say: "Since 1996, librarians, teachers, parents and people who want to share 'bookjoy' have been planning book fiestas- events that link children to books, languages, and cultures. Together we are growing a nation of readers." Mora includes ideas for celebrating this day. For a school library: children can dress in their favorite book character. Have them decorate a sturdy box to store their home library. Add storytellers and puppets to the festivities. Bright colors are a must!

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