Saturday, April 3, 2010

Crow Call by Lois Lowry

Crow Call by Lois Lowry, illustrated by Bagram Ibatoulline, Scholastic Press, 2009, ISBN 978-0-545-03035-9
This is the story of young Liz, her father, and their strained relationship. Dad has been away at WWII for longer than she can remember, and they begin their journey of reconnection through a hunting shirt, cherry pie, tender conversation, and the crow call. This allegorical story shows how, like the birds gathered above, the relationship between the girl and her father is graced with the chance to fly. (Note: above work is not mine, but I do not have a cite). This is a true story based on the author's life around 1945.
This story would fit in well with Rick Shelton's "make a story out of a single event." Take a moment (or short period of time) and draw it out, using details.
This book is mentioned in a blog called the Lesson Machine.
This is a true story based on the author's life around 1945. Reminds me of Rick Shelton's advice to take a single moment or event out of your life and make a story out of it. Draw it out with lots of details and vivid descriptions.

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